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Subject: POS software with android/IOS support.

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05/07/2015 11:33 PM Alert 
I am looking for a good POS software with android and IOS support. I think with smart phones and tablets being more commonly used than computers, there should be a lot of POS softwares like Microhouse RMS at multiflexrms.com that support android and ios apps. I want a software that has an app which supports all the features of the software itself. I have seen many app versions of many softwares that has only fewer number of features. I need suggestions from people who are using such POS system

07/30/2015 11:45 PM Alert 
Try 24Sevencommerce.com for complete POS Solutions.
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Forums > Microsoft RMS and POS > General RMS and POS Discussion > POS software with android/IOS support.

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