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Subject: A Diary of a Self-supporting RMS User

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10/15/2006 1:38 PM Alert 

The time has come and after 15 years of service my cash register broke. So, I figured out I needed a new POS system. Everyone is now getting all those cool-looking flat screens so I decided to get one too. Never realized there was so many different software… Found M$, thought it was a good name decided to give it good run for money.

My friend’s 16-year old nephew seems to be pretty good with computers (he showed me once some stuff he downloaded from Internet, wow…) therefore he’s sure qualified to fix my Point of Sale system. Why don’t I just delegate this whole to him? It will cost me only $12/hour so why not?

Or, perhaps, I know a thing or two about computers too (well, there’s a third thing as well, but it’s irrelevant to my business). Why don’t I buy and install the system myself? Then I will save even that $24 I promised to my friend’s nephew… Yep, there we go. I go online and buy RMS from an obscure Web store. The online price makes me laugh at those self-righteous “resellers” who sent to me quotes after I first called Microsoft. What these so called “RMS Partners” think of me? That I am an idiot? I am certainly not. I know how to buy cheap. It never bothers me, of course, that it may look a little suspicious about those online resellers who sell RMS only to make ten or so bucks on each sale – so what? I saved money. Also bought all hardware online too. Not expensive either…

Day One. ...

The package arrived and we started installing software. Oh boy, wasn’t it easy? One smooth sailing so far. By the way, what’s that ‘sa’ and what it needs the password for?

...Setting up the POS computer. Connected receipt printer, scanner. Where do I plug in that bloody cable from the cash drawer? Isn’t it on the back of the computer where it says “Modem”? It wouldn't fit into anything else back there… ...What's OPOS? Let’s read the book, it could be helpful.

... Not helpful at all. What a @#$%# !

(… by the end of the day). OK, connected everything. I need some sleep. The friend’s nephew is gone too. My bill so far has been 8X$12= not even a hundred bucks, not so bad…

Day Two.

...“Can’t connect to the database”??? Are you kidding me???

...Hey, what was that ‘sa’ password?

...After reinstalling RMS few times and figuring out that MSDE (what is it anyway?) must be removed separately (thanks to my high-school buddy who is now programmer in Redmond, he was able to figure it out), I now have the ‘sa’ password on a piece of paper. Now can create a database and connect to it.

...Hurray, was able to login! Took me some time to find the user name and password for that demo database… What a useless book!

End of the day again. I sent the friend’s nephew home about couple hours ago. He was useless anyway, couldn’t even figure out “1” and “password”. ...

By now my service bill is about $150 and plus I owe my buddy in Redmond stay for a week in that time share of mine in Hawaii – he wouldn’t help otherwise. Said something about dumb users – I didn’t fully get it because my “voice over eye pee” that the friend's nephew installed the other day keeps cracking all way long…

Day Three.

...Who needs so many different options? 31 level of security? You must be joking…

 ... How come card processing not included? How do I do Gift cards? Customer Loyalty?

...Well, how do I even print receipts? What's that OPOS again? HELP!!!

Day Four.

...Called the online reseller for help. They said that they actually wouldn’t support RMS. They sold it but didn’t know much about it. And they even explained that as they weren't making any money on it, they wouldn’t care. What a ... Time to call M$.

...What’s that "RMS Service" anyway? Say it again, HOW MUCH for No Service Support??? Over the phone? They won't even send anyone to my store? Those jerks at M$ have completely lost their mind…

Day Five.

...Figured out there was a RMS newsgroup for free support. Good option! I like free...

...Meanwhile, how do I get my inventory from Excel into RMS? The buddy from Redmond said I should be looking for an “Import” button but I can’t find it. Not a big deal, I wouldn’t enjoy anyway that two week Alaska cruise for two I had a reservation for…

Day Eight.

...At the newsgroup they don’t seem to be quick and eager to answer any of the 26 questions I posted the other day. I really hope they are not just tired of answering the same questions over and over again!

...By the way, I can’t figure out how to connect to the database from home. The friend’s nephew advised to install a program he calls LimeWire so I’d be able to copy the database back and forth through it if I needed. Sounds good to me!

Day Twelve.

...I wish I could send RMS back but they just wouldn’t take it. What a @#$%^% software it is! It is so full of bugs that I just can’t make it work.

...OK, not a big deal, some investments may go wrong. But the good news is that I have another friend who knows some people in Pnyom Pyang who can program a Point of Sale system for me – exactly as I want it to be. They say the cost will be $100 Pnyom Pyang dollars. II'm not sure about conversion rate but it sounds not much. My store can live for another couple weeks without software, but I already got the computer and LimeWire. So I can listen music and download free videos.

...By the way, my buddy from Redmond said something that he learned from his Russian colleagues: “Free cheese is only found in a mousetrap”. I don’t get it either. Aren’t we living in a free country???

Ooh, those Russians - what do they know about "free"…




11/18/2008 2:58 PM Alert 
I had similiar problems with RMS. What was the RMS newsgroup for free support that you found?

08/26/2010 12:03 PM Alert 
Where can I find Certified RMS technicians close to my store? I have no problem paying for the expertise of a certified technician but have only found one so far in the next county who wants to sell me a whole new POS rather than just correct the issue with mine.

08/26/2010 12:45 PM Alert 
You don't necessary need a local partner. We at Retail Hero work very sucessfully with the customers anywhere in North America, using remote support tools (which also helps to keep the cost down). It is quite possible that the problems you are experiencing are result of old or malfunctionining hardware. You also must expect that the partner is going to charge you for the services, such as training, configuration, support etc. If you are interested, send us a request with list of your problems to info@RetailHero.com and let's see if we can help you.
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