LMS Posts:4
08/12/2014 7:43 AM |
Our store has been using Dynamics RMS happily since 2009. Now, for some unknown reason, it no longer allows tendering. Whichever tender type is chosen the following error message pops up:
[Attempt to execute COM object 'RSG_ILINK.clsCardAuth' failed. Could not create object.]
Any idea what this means and what I can do to fix it?
Thanks very much, Paul. |
Mixer Posts:69
08/12/2014 10:09 AM |
You have an old add-on which probably has been uninstalled or damaged in some way. But it left "hooks" in the Registry which instruct RMS to call a pieces of program (which is no longer there) on a certain event such as TenderBegin . You got to contact a certified RMS partner to help you uninstall the hooks. But if you would like to try it yourself, below is described the process. WARNING: Please understand that the described process will remove all add-ins. Therefore do not proceed and contact your RMS Partner if you're using other RMS add-ins or plugins.
================================== Be extremely careful with using Registry Editor. Incorrect operation may damage your Windows system and render it unusable.
The RMS hooks entries will be found in different locations in registry depending on the operation system's Edition you are running.
Windows (XP, 7, 8) 32bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Retail Management System\Store Operations\Hooks
Windows(XP, 7, 8) 64 bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Retail Management System\Store Operations\Hooks
To remove all hooks: Before starting, close all RMS software.
1. Luanch Registry Editory by: click Start –> Run –> type 'regedit' -> click OK. 2. Navigate to the hook repository 3. Click on Hooks, and double click on Count. You will see one or more hook count. Enter 0 and press OK. This operation set Hook Count to 0. 4. Close Regedit. 5. Open RMS POS and Login. On launching it will remove all hooks.
LMS Posts:4
08/12/2014 10:31 AM |
Hi Mixer, and thanks very much for your quick reply. The only add-on I'm aware of is the credit/debit card payment machine which I obviously don't want to lose. Am I correct in saying removing the 'hooks', as you describe above, will result in losing the card payment machine completely? Thanks again for your help. Regards, Paul. |
Mixer Posts:69
08/12/2014 10:34 AM |
It seems that you've already lost that functionality because the software got either uninstalled or damaged. You got to contact the vendor of that add-on or your certified RMS partner. Here's what I think they are: http://www.rsgplc.com/
LMS Posts:4
08/12/2014 11:28 AM |
Hi. Thanks again for your time. You're right, I am with RGS. I spoke to them on the telephone and gave them the error message and they are willing to look into the problem provided I pay a large hourly fee! I've actually sold my business so I was kinda hoping to find a fix without shelling out a great wad of money as the new owner takes over in 2 or 3 months. You're saying there is no other way – I'll have to pay RSG for a fix? Regards, Paul. |
Mixer Posts:69
08/12/2014 11:33 AM |
Paul, the RMS Partners are out there for a reason. Their business is accumulating the product-specific knowledge and providing the services based on their know-how. They also need to be paid in order to operate. I appreciate your desire to save money but if everyone works for free that there will be no left anyone to do anything of value. |
LMS Posts:4
08/12/2014 11:41 AM |
At the moment I have no tender options available at all, but I can take credit/debit card payments by manually entering the payment amount via the screen. I have to take cash payments the old-fashioned way with a piece of paper and the calculator! Because I can't use the tender button, nothing is being registered as a sale so at the end of the day my Z-report shows no sales. If I follow your instructions above will it remove the error message so that I can tender sales via cash/cheque/BACs/account again? And will it still allow me to take C/card payments manually? Or will everything go to hell-in-a-handcart and I'll be worse off then ever? Regards, Paul. |