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Subject: RMS 1st, HQ 2nd. Can this be done?

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03/29/2011 10:16 AM Alert 
We started with RMS and opened a second location. We purchased HQ but seem to be going backwards. Each location has its own stand alone RMS. Can they be integrated into HQ?

03/29/2011 10:30 AM Alert 
Integrating existing stores with HQ is a tricky process. It wouldn't have been better if you opted for something like OpSuite, not HQ. However, since youy've already made a purchase, there's no option to rethink it :-( You should call your RMS Partner for help in integrating the stores.


03/29/2011 11:15 AM Alert 
Do you happen to have the documents on how to install headquarters, etc?

Or go into Store Operations Administrator, connect to the database first (FILE>CONNECT>*ENTER PASSWORD*>MAKE SURE CORRECT DATABASE IS SELECTED, CLICK OK TO CONNECT)

Then goto Database tab, and click backup

03/29/2011 11:17 AM Alert 
Sorry, I don't know what happened but it deleted some of my post.


03/29/2011 11:18 AM Alert 
and it deleted more....

If you need the guide, just let me know..

03/30/2011 7:21 AM Alert 
I would need the guide please. The RMS rep that sold us the HQ left the state, suddenly.
I have shown my IT dept. this thread and they are very interested in getting this merger done.

Do you have any idea how we can salvage the separate customer databases into 1 global database?

03/30/2011 8:24 AM Alert 

Give me your email address, and I'll send it to you. You can send me an email at olie480(at)gmail(dot)com make sure the title of the email reads HEADQUARTERS, since this is my spam inbox, and I don't have to fish through a bunch of emails to find it.

Global Customers can be done, I think the only thing you would have to do is actually goto into the backend of the SQL server (using SQL Management Studio Express) and run this script.

UPDATE dbo.Customer SET GlobalCustomer = 'true';

After this is done, you'll want to send a Worksheet 401 to download those new customers into HQ.

If you have an IT department, then hopefully one of them knows SQL, and they can manipulate data into headquarters.

We actually came from using Comcash about 2 years ago, so that was a mess transfering data from that database to the new one, I use EMS SQL Manager to do it, but it was A LOT of exporting to CSV and mapping the correct columns in RMS. Aye, it was a mess, but since you're already on a RMS platform, it shouldn't be too hard, since the DB's from RMS and HEADQUARTERS reflect the same, except for a few columns that headquarters uses.

Also note, if you are going to create a new store through the headquarters template process, and if you're running Hero Points, you'll have to delete some of their tables from the database, and when you run the Hero Points installer, they will just be recreated. That's the only problem I had when setting up a template store, but it was resolved after deleting those.

Hope this helps!


04/14/2011 9:41 AM Alert 
As Anthony (Mixer) indicated above, combining multiple independent RMS store databases into one HQ database is a complex, multi-step process. To properly do it requires building an HQ database that merges the data from the stores while accounting for items that were independently entered at each store; some are duplicated in each store while others exist in only one place.

After the new HQ database is created, each store must then be adjusted to be in sync with that new HQ system. This can be done but requires a detailed understanding of the internal structure of the RMS database.

It's a significant investment of time, but will pay off handsomely in the long run. Trying to run a multi-store business with independent RMS databases results in major duplications of effort as well as making centralized reporting and management extremely difficult.

Falcons Nest has done this before, so we have a good understanding of the steps involved and the pitfalls you may encounter.

If you'd like to discuss in more detail, feel free to email me at
paul (at) falconsnestinc.com.
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